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Easy learning other language with DuoLingo


I've been using this application about 2 weeks and I choose Italian, Portuguese and French for my other languages.. Even my English is still broken, but I really wanted to learn other language.

First of all, I think that this apps really help me to learn from basic - expert.. Yeah, they really teach us all our H-words questions detail. The grammar, the phrases and a sentences, sometimes so you can make a differences with just one word or maybe I can just say I worth it.

Second, you might be need to listen, write, type and say what they want. Example, you need to write the sentences or word that already given and just translate it. Easy, but there's a level each of languages. You will learn basic, phrases, word, food, adverbs (for sure) and finally what is the right words to use in maybe business, politics, medical and other.

Next, you wouldn't regret using this apps because you can learn whenever you want! Just like me, I just learn when I really have a time ( actually, I have a lot of time but, just let it be and try to remember back what I've learn before ).

However, you need to connect to internet. It's free and really worth it.. I know you guys just need a free apps but useful in future. Same like me. Trust me, you can learn those languages just for 1-3 days or maybe like me, a week to learn.

I know you not interested to learn, but how if you go overseas and they didn't understand English? You will be boom!, who's gonna tell them? Just download this application on Android or iPhone. But if you like to learn from you PC, just go to their websites.

You can sign up through Facebook or Email.. I recommend this to all my readers to learn other languages in easy way. Let people know about this application and you wouldn't regret. for sure, but I don't know if  you don;t like it, but I'm kind of enjoyed it..

Okay, next entry I'll tell you what are languages that available for us to learn. :) thanks for reading.

Lots of love...


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